The following air freight terms was common use in air freight shipping service. You’d better to know before you start this service. 


1. AWB (Air Waybill)
2. Baggage, Unaccompanied
3. Bonded Warehouse
4. Bulk Cargo
5. CAO (Cargo for Freighter Only)
6. Charges Collect, Freight Collect
7. Charges Prepaid, Freight Prepaid
8. Chargeable Weight
9. CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freightage)
10. Consignee
11. Consignment
12. Consignor
13. Consolidated Consignment
14. Consolidator
15. COSAC (Community Systems for Air Cargo)
16. Customs
17. Customs Code
18. Customs Clearance
19. Dangerous Goods
20. Declared Value for Carriage
21. Declared Value for Customs
22. Disbursements
23. EDIFACT (Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transportation)
24. Embargo: The carrier's refusal to transport any goods in a specific period.
25. ETA/ETD (Estimated Time of Arrival / Estimated Time of Departure)
26. Export License
27. FIATA (Federation Internationale des Associations de Transitaires et Assimilées)
28. FOB (Free on Board)
29. FOB Airport
30. Forwarder
31. GW (Gross Weight)
32. HAFFA (Hong Kong Air Freight Forwarding Association)
33. HAWB (House Air Waybill)
34. IATA (International Air Transport Association)
35. MAWB (Master Air Waybill)
36. Neutral Air Waybill
37. Perishable Cargo
38. Prepacked Cargo
39. RCL (Reception Checklist List)
40. RAR (Regulated Agent Regime)
41. Shipper's Certificate for live animals/ dangerous goods
42. Shipper's Letter of Instruction
43. STA/STD (Schedule Time of Arrival / Schedule Time of Departure)
44. TACT (The Air Cargo Tariff)
45. Unit Load Device
46. Valuable Cargo
47. Valuation Charge
48. Vulnerable Cargo
49. ATA/ATD (Actual Time of Arrival / Actual Time of Departure)